From Burnout to Bliss: My Journey as a Solo Traveler

From Burnout to Bliss: My Journey as a Solo TravelerRoots and AspirationsGrowing up in a…

Sarah, solo traveller in the desert of Morocco

From Burnout to Bliss: My Journey as a Solo Traveler

Roots and Aspirations

Growing up in a small village felt like living in a never-ending loop of monotony. My village often felt confining and stifling. It was a place where everyone knew everyone, and the lack of anonymity sometimes made it difficult to escape the feeling of being constantly under scrutiny.

The village offered little in terms of entertainment or opportunities. The sparse amenities and limited social activities left me feeling restless and bored. The same familiar faces and routines day in and day out created a sense of stagnation. I longed for something more vibrant and dynamic, a place where I could break free from the constraints of small-town life and explore a world of possibilities.

Despite these challenges, my upbringing instilled in me a strong drive to seek more. I was determined to pursue higher education and build a career that would allow me to break free from the village and carve out a new path for myself. This ambition led me to earn a master’s degree in digital project management and communication, and to work with prestigious brands like Chanel and Saint Laurent.

The Illusion of Perfection

Despite the outward appearance of success, something was missing. I had what many would consider a perfect life: a charming apartment in Paris, a stable relationship, a fulfilling job in the luxury fashion industry, a cat, a wide circle of friends, and financial security. Yet, despite these outward signs of success, I was deeply unfulfilled.

The high-pressure environment of my job, which initially excited me, eventually became a source of intense burnout. The constant drive for more left me emotionally and physically drained. I found myself trapped in a cycle of overwork, struggling to find satisfaction in what I had.

The Decision to Change

The turning point came with my father's cancer diagnosis. This crisis made me confront the fragility of life and my own unhappiness. Despite having achieved so much, I realized I was not truly living. This realization prompted me to reassess my priorities and make a drastic change.

The New Beginning

One morning, I decided to leave my comfortable life behind. I ended my three-year relationship, packed up my belongings, and put everything I couldn't carry into storage. I quit my job and, with a heart full of hope and a backpack, set off for Mexico.

When I first arrived in this totally new country, I felt completely lost and overwhelmed. The unfamiliar surroundings, language barrier, and distance from everything familiar left me scared and disoriented. I remember crying almost every day during the first two weeks, worried that I had made a huge mistake. The Spanish I had learned was not enough, and communication with locals was a daily challenge.

Thankfully, things gradually got better. I began to adjust and find my rhythm. The initial discomfort faded, replaced by curiosity and excitement. I spent two months in Mexico, and it was during this time that I fell in love with solo travel. The challenges and new experiences helped me realize how much I cherished this way of life.

Three years later, my journey continues as I explore the globe. I've traveled through Latin America, Europe, and Asia, and I am currently in Australia. This nomadic lifestyle has become my passion, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. The freedom to explore new cultures and live life on my own terms has been profoundly fulfilling. Looking back, taking that leap into the unknown was the best decision I could have made.

The Road Ahead

Reflecting on my journey, I am filled with gratitude for the path I’ve chosen. The adventures, challenges, and personal growth have shaped me into the person I am today. Embracing a nomadic lifestyle has brought a profound sense of freedom and fulfillment. Each new destination offers a fresh perspective, new experiences, and endless opportunities for self-discovery.

However, I’ve learned that travel is not a panacea for all of life’s problems. It’s not a solution to every issue but rather a tool that helps us navigate through them. Healing and personal growth are long, ongoing processes, and travel can guide us through these journeys, offering clarity and new perspectives along the way.

As I continue my travels, I am thrilled to announce my next adventure: a pilgrimage along the Shikoku 88, a sacred route on Shikoku Island in Japan. This pilgrimage is a 1,200-kilometer journey that involves walking from temple to temple with just a backpack and a tent. Over 45 days, I will be navigating this spiritual path, carrying all I need on my back and camping along the way. Each temple visit is a step towards both physical endurance and inner reflection.

I will be vlogging each day of this trek, sharing the beauty of the journey, the challenges I face, and the profound moments of spiritual growth. I invite you to follow along as I document this incredible experience and explore the deeper meanings of this pilgrimage.

The road ahead is full of possibilities, and I eagerly anticipate the new chapters of my journey. As I continue to explore the world, I remain open to whatever comes next, embracing each moment with an open heart. My travels have taught me that life is not about a destination but about the experiences and growth along the way. The journey may not solve all problems, but it can help illuminate the path to healing and personal growth, guiding us through the process.

Follow My Adventures

If you want to follow my adventures or see my past travels, follow me on Instagram: @advicefromtheworld.

I am soon embarking on a crazy new adventure: a 1,200-kilometer pilgrimage across Shikoku Island in Japan. With just my backpack and tent, I will be walking this sacred route all alone, exploring both the physical and spiritual aspects of this journey. I’ll be vlogging each day of this trek, sharing the beauty, challenges, and profound moments along the way. I can’t wait for it… 

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