The Winter Of Our Discontent
So here we are in the midst of lockdown 3. I would like to say ‘coming towards the end of,’ but that may or may not be stretching the cautious optimism and light
So here we are in the midst of lockdown 3. I would like to say ‘coming towards the end of,’ but that may or may not be stretching the cautious optimism and light at the end of the tunnel metaphors I have been using for the last few weeks, a bit far. Either way, no two ways about it, this lockdown has pretty damn rubbish. It’s been shit! It was always going to be a tough one compared with the previous lockdowns. The first was almost exciting, as we ventured into a previously unknown experience. A strong community spirit largely abound and good summery weather certainly helped. Lockdown 2 had a temporary feel about it and we had Christmas to look forward to, initially it seemed with minimum restrictions if only on a temporary basis. Then for many, Christmas was cancelled. OK, severely restricted. But it also came with the knowledge that we were heading into lockdown 3. Short days and terrible weather only emphasised the situation. A brief respite was provided as the rain was replaced by snow, giving us a temporary holiday atmosphere. I love snow, especially when I am not driving in it. I love the way it transforms everything almost magically. I celebrated by forfeiting one lunch-break to demonstrate my snowman-making skills. Such a shame my granddaughter was not around to witness my artistic creativity.
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